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WebQuest  -Create  page in Wix about sports


Introduction - At the end of this «webquest», it is expected that you have learned information about the chosen sport. The proposed activities involve exploring various resources available on the internet (texts, videos, audio documents...). The exploration of these resources will be done through questionnaires and other tasks that will be requested from you (production of audio files, crossword puzzles, text completion, writing short texts). And in the end the creation of a page with all the material.



Steps to the WebQuest

1. Access thisLinkwith the research paper instructions. After choosing the topic, you should draw up a plan on the subjects to be addressed. After defining the plan, you should start your search.

two.Create a folder with the name of the theme (all digital elements collected must be saved in this folder).

3.Inside the folder create a Google Drive document called Draft+Theme, share it with your co-worker for editing and with the teacher for viewing only.

4.Keep in Draft all the information you find on the Internet about the subject that may be useful.

5.Keeps in the Draft document all the Bibliography/Webgraphy of the sites consulted.

6.Carefully read everything you selected.

7.Start outlining the work, selecting what interests you and rewriting in your own words what you understood about the subject.

8.If you need to refer to some part of the text that you found on the Internet, you should put it in quotation marks and in a footnote mention the site from which you took it.

9.Create a page using the online page builder toolWIX.

10.Use this page with the walkthrough for creating page

11.Don't publish the page, just use the preview mode to see how the page looks.

12.You can improve the interactivity of your page with some of the tools that are explainedthis page




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