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I like to read different kinds of books, but especially science fiction, adventure and action books.

First Books I read: Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, Isaac Asimov (Foundation Series, I Robot, The Bicentennial Man,...), Moby Dick (English), Hobbit, David Brin - UpLift Series (English) - 6 volumes.

More recent: The Chronicles of Narnia, Harry Potter, Dan Brown (Hell, Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, Digital Fortress, The Lost Symbol), José Rodrigo do Santos (Codex 632, Formula de Deux, Seventh Seal, White Angel, Hand of the Devil,...), George RR Martin Game of Thrones, The Fire, The Eight, Fear, Collision, Serpent, Blue Gold, Larsson Millenium Trology, Let the Devil Sleep, Mediterranean, Hell, Blue Gold, Triple, Alex Cross, Alex Cross the Hunt,...  can seeHere are some of the covers of the books I've read.


I read books in Portuguese, French and English although I can still understand Spanish and Italian. I love to read a good book, no matter the size or format, lately I acquired onekindlewhere I can also read books in digital format or in PDF.


Some phrases and ideas about reading


With a closed book, you don't come out literate. - Saying


Reading a book for the first time is like meeting a new friend. Reading a book for the second time is meeting an old friend. -chinese saying


Anyone who reads is never alone. -Helder Simone


Reading for me is a special food, it's a daily need of the heart... of the soul. -Laureano Soares


Read - Interpret what is written, decipher by recognizing the code, make sense of, ... "read", in Priberam Dictionary of the Portuguese Language [online], 2008-2013, 





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