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More recent is the fall towards robotics that also started with the Simplicity of the LEGO KIT's WeDo 2.0, MindStorm NXT and EV3.

I started by founding a robotics club at school that has now become a robotics workshop with an average of 20 students per year. We have already won several awards in the various events we have been participating in. 

Events we have participated in, National Robotics Festival, Roboparty, First Lego League, iDroneExperience.

Our blog 

robotics workshop

This workshop exists to try to ensure that the school becomes a permanent space for building knowledge, using and creating cutting-edge technologies, in a register of a society of the future;

To help transform the process of building knowledge and learning into something that is appealing to learners, on a par with the tools and means of entertainment available in today's society.

That is, to ensure that the learning space is as appealing, challenging and stimulating as the «game» and «leisure» space of today's world and the world of the future under construction. Use of virtualization and simple programming tools such as Ceebot A, RoboMind and Kodu.

Develop interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary skills with 21st century educational resources, trying to create communication graphic interfaces through visual programming languages: visual C# or even visual basic. The purpose of these interfaces is to communicate with the robotic platforms that we are currently using in our investigations: picaxe, arduino, NXT, EV3.


Foster the use of ICT in general and Robotics in particular in an innovative way in teaching and learning processes, in the context of the classroom;

Contribute to the critical and secure use of generalized communication resources, namely the Internet;

Privilege collaborative work among students as well as educational strategies based on group dynamics;

Promote the learner's autonomy, towards the construction of citizens capable of intervening in the society of the future, in a substantive and critical way;

Promoting the school's involvement in partnership projects with other schools, national or international, and/or with entities from the communities where they operate;


Favoring the involvement of parents and guardians in the construction of students' learning, strengthening their connection to the school and the training and personal projects of their students;


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